Farah Khan is the creative force behind some of the Bollywood’s most iconic hits. The filmmaker is known to keep viewers updated about her life via vlogs. She never ceases to share fun anecdote from her shoot days or with actors. In her recent vlog, Farah Khan visited Boney Kapoor home and recalled how he used chopper like rickshaws during shoot of Pukar, starring Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit.
Farah Khan recalls fun moments with Boney Kapoor from Pukar shoot
In the vlog, Farah was seen telling Khushi Kapoor, “So your father was using helicopters like rickshaws.” Farah mentioned that when director Rajkumar Santoshi said he wanted to have Indian food in Alsaka, Boney found an Indian cook in the middle of the remote location and ensured everyone enjoyed a feast. “We were in a remote corner of Alaska, which is like the North Pole and Boney laid out a spread of butter chicken, naan, biryani, paneer and dal makhani. I was like ‘what is happening!’. He found some Indian cook and ferried everything there. Chopper was being used like Dunzo for delivery,” she shared.
She also shared how Boney has been a producer who never compromises because of budget. “My husband has edited some movies for your dad and he would tell me that I have not seen any other producer like Boney. Because if it is not looking good, he doesn’t think twice. He will call the director and he will say just reshoot it all over again and just make sure that it looks good. Others will say ‘anything goes’ but Boney will say ‘no, shoot it again’, even though he would go in a loss,” she shared.
Boney Kapoor is now focused on his next project, No Entry 2. The film’s sequel will have Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dosanjh and Arjun Kapoor. The female cast of the film has not been announced yet.